Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Party Like It's 1965

Our version of the 'Swanky 60's'

For Darin's 50th birthday, we decided to do a throwback theme.  I tried to include the iconic drinks, food, and decorations from the time period, as well as dressing the part!

I'll ty to put in as much detail as I can as to decorations and how to's.  For all the printables, rather than individual links, they are all saved on my Pinterest board 'Darin's 50th Bday' check them out there!
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Musical themed cake - the decorations are all made from chocolate

Table decorations - the small jar is filled with Jolly Rancher Fire Candies and reads '50 and still hot!'  The tall jar is filled with Hershey's kisses and reads 'Kiss your 40's Goodbye!'  

I found this 16th Century replica of an Italian globe bar at the Goodwill for $25!!!  It fit perfectly!!!

Also at the Goodwill was this magazine from February 1965!

The bottle was supposed to look like it had had many candles burnt in it....  I guess 7 and 10 year old girls have no idea what dripping was would look like!!!

These recipes all came from a 1965 'How to entertain' article

One thing I did was add pictures of Darin throughout his life.  It provided a great source of entertainment and conversation to all of our guests.

The old record player and 45's belonged to my grandparent and was passed to me after they passed on.

The spiky balls are just styrofoam with skewers poked in them and then painted gold.

Two of my favorite pictures!  He is on the far left.

Another super Goodwill find was the fondue pot.  We also had sweet and sour meatballs.

We tried to make a blacklight photobooth since that was just starting to come onto the scene, but were unable to get the blacklights bright enough to fill the space.  Oh well, we did have glowlight fans.... ;)

Darin and a few of the boys around the bonfire!

Shannon and Sheila - the hippy and the greaser

And the party aftermath with the candy cigarettes and the big pink curlers that were in the bathroom!!
 Let me know what you think!!  Overall, I think we captured the spirit of the 60's and we all had a great time drinking Manhattans, Old Fashioned's and SoCo Sours and jiving to music played on a phonograph with all the snaps and crackles that accompany old records.  It was a great party!!

Monday, February 16, 2015

My Family Wall

So, I've finally gotten my family wall done!!!  We have been using it for about 2 weeks and I can confidently say that it is working for us!  My house is picked up, the laundry is getting done, daily chores are being accomplished, rules are being followed, and biggest bonus, the kids LOVE it!!!

Let me explain:

Here is the picture of the whole wall.  All that is at the bottom is a shelf for the backpacks.

The printables came from:  Family Rules

Here is the nuts and bolts of our wall.  Obviously the calendar has enough space on each day to note special events, changes in schedule, appointments, school functions, etc.

During the school year, the 2 eldest children are only with us every other weekend.  For that reason, I designed this system without them and focused on the 3 younger children and providing them set boundaries, rules, and responsibilities.

We have narrowed down the consequences of actions so that the adults in the house no longer have to cajole, scream, holler, repeat instructions, and otherwise lose our minds trying to get them to complete their chores!  We only have one rule so far - work before play.  If they choose to play before their chores are done, consequences follow.  For each warning the resulting consequence increases.  The length of the time out is measured by a 'Time Out Bottle' (many recipes - mine takes about 5 minutes); it gives them a chance to think about the choices they are making and to refocus their attention.  The orange sticks that they pull are chores that no one wants to do, like clean the trash cans, wash the baseboards, clean a section of wall, etc.  The purple sticks all revolve around acts of love toward their siblings, writing them a poem, doing a chore for them, etc.

Because there are three of them, it is easy to assign each of them a specific day.  J has even days, D has odd days, and A has days divisible by 3.  On each of their days, they get all the privileges: riding in the front seat, choosing what games to play, controlling the TV, served first at dinner, etc.  However, before they get to enjoy the privileges, they have to complete the responsibilities on their day.  While the list may look long, it only takes about 15 minutes to accomplish everything except the weekly chore and shower.

These are their every day responsibilities.   The 15 min. fling is done after PJ's are on and before the 1/2 hour reading/journal/meditate time.  We set the timer and everyone picks up and puts away as many things as we can.  It actually only takes about 5 minutes since it stays pretty clean.  The 2 sticks are red and they are quick chores, fold the living room blankets, dust the electronics, etc. - they take less than 5 minutes to complete.  The weekly chores are completed by the owner of the day.  Because the days rotate so much no one person is stuck cleaning the bathroom and it solves the "I did it last time!" argument!
This is my favorite part of our wall.  On the right side is a place for notes from the adults to the children.  On the left side is a place for them to write 'Love you' notes to other members of the family.  The rule is that the note has to stay for one day before it is erased and another is written.  {Whispering} This is so that I can take a picture of each one and then put them into a book! I plan on naming it, "See, I  DO Love You" and giving them each a copy!
Like I said, we've been at this for about a week and 1/2. Their rooms are staying clean, the chores are getting done, there is definitely less fighting, and I'm not 'Harpy Mom' because they have no privileges until they have completed their work!  I'll keep you apprised!  

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment!  Thanks for reading - until next time.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Valentines Surprise

So, the children were plotting this morning.  I wasn't allowed in the kitchen, the dining room, or outside.  In fact, I kind of felt like a bit of a prisoner in my own house!!  They were being all secretive and clandestine.  When I left to go get Darin from work, they assured me that all would be ready when we returned.

Upon our arrival, we were led, blindfolded, to the back yard to find our early "Valentines Surprise Party"!

Streamers, paper hearts, wine, cheese crackers, and of course popsicles to top it off! They really can be amazing when they choose to be!!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Navigating through molasses

Do you ever feel like you are trudging up hill - through a river of molasses - in February? Then you can relate to my current state of mind!!!  I could continue with many cliches about how I am feeling, but I think that pretty much sums it up! Let me tell you where I am at....

I started out the year with a clear vision in my head of how I wanted the year to go (organized, prepared, focused, etc.).  It has not gone so well!!  My house is a disaster - I still have my Christmas bottles on my mantle - they should have been painted for February about 2 weeks ago.  I'm supposed to have my laundry room and my office done and organized - not even started!  I'm supposed to have a routine and a schedule and a family organization center - um..... nope!! There's more.....

On the other hand, I have started exercising every day, whether its yoga, strength training, walking the dogs, its something every day.  I've been drinking the amount of water that I am supposed to be drinking.  I've started teaching art in two more classrooms and am interviewing for a paid art position next week. I threw Jaidyn a really, really cool birthday party.  I worked 17 days in a row to help cover a situation at work.

After reviewing the month of January, looking at my goals and my vision, reflecting of progress made or not, and looking ahead at where I need to be, I have come to the conclusion that my life plan needs to be way more flexible that it is currently!  So, my 12 week plan has become more of an as I get it done plan.  I don't feel the need to beat myself up for not sticking to a set timeline.  Life happens daily and sometimes I am motivated to get things done and sometimes I'm not.  Yes, my life is chaotic; yes, it stresses me out; yes, changes need to be made.  But, no more timelines.

I have a renewed commitment to my goals. I can do this; I just have to navigate through the molasses.

Monday, February 2, 2015

The Diva's 10th Birthday

Overall, the Diva Party was a HUGE Success!!!  The girls had a grand time getting their make-overs and then walking the catwalk to show off their amazing styles.  I am SO grateful to the slew of teenage girls that helped with the stations - as well as a couple teenagers at heart!!  And the immortal words that every mother wants to hear at the end of the day from the birthday girl, "Wow, Mom!  That was the best party ever!!"

Yay, ME!!!  {HAPPY DANCE, HAPPY DANCE} Just imagine it in your head!!

The Cake
The Make Up Station - Thank You, Tori!
The Nail Station - Thank You, Sam!!

The "Make Your Own Lip Gloss" Station - Thank You, Shannon!
The Hair Station - Thank You, Sierra!

Short video of the glamour session.  Taylor Swift, Blank Space - playing in the background.

The Diva herself

Strike a pose!

The Presents
The Toast

The FUN!!!

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment!!  If you have any questions about the decorations or stations, please ask, I'd be happy to share my recipe for hair chalk, lip gloss, or any other part of the party!!