Thursday, December 11, 2014

Sleep is overrated!

Every couple of months or so, some crime drama will have an episode that features a soccer mom hooked up in some kind of meth ring.  Their excuse is always that they just needed to keep up.  I can see the appeal!  Not that I would ever go there, but if I didn't have to sleep, I could get SO much more done!!!

I may have over extended myself a bit this holiday season.  This year I decided to make the gifts I'm giving.  Unfortunately, I spent lots of time planning and didn't get supplies until last Friday.  Now I find myself in a crunch because I have to have most of my gifts done by the 21st, our family Christmas.  I also have gifts that need to be sent off by the 17th.  In addition, we are having an 'Ugly Sweater Party'.  It will be the first adults party that I have thrown and I am super excited, but the prepping, planning, cleaning, decorating, etc.....  I'm feeling a bit like the walls are closing in.

To combat this feeling, I have decided to make a plan that will allow me to get everything accomplished.  Here it is, lets see how close I can come to actually carrying it out!!


  1. Clean and finalize decor in living and dining rooms
    1. Vases
    2. Printables
    3. Village
    4. Lights

  1. Make gifts 2, 4, 6, and 12 (I'm using code - all will be revealed after Christmas!)

  1. Make my niece's birthday cake topper.
  2. Weekly household blessing:
    1. Bathrooms
    2. Laundry
    3. Grocery Shopping

On Saturday nights post, I'll add pictures of everything that was accomplished.  I've not been idle the last few days, our tree is up and decorated.

Such a beautiful family!!!
Or not..........

They actually cooperated with each other while decorating - it was peaceful!

Love our life!
There have been concerts:

  1. Charlie - How Far To Bethlehem
  2. Charlie - Let It Snow
  3. Charlie - The Holly and The Ivy
  4. Tori - Silent Night
  5. Tori - Baby It's Cold Outside
  6. Tori - Christmas Medley - her solo is at 4:24
  7. Tori - O Holy Night

The Parade of Lights to attend:

Charlie joined the CHS choir to relive the 'Glory Days' for a night.

Charlie - Silver Bells
Charlie - O Holy Night

The moon was amazing with the clouds and the lights.

Charlie in front of the Lego float

Smith has been busy:

Day 11 Stocking Smith

Day 12 Yoga Smith

Day 13 Sliding Smith

On top of it all, are a couple of little side projects that I am exited to share after the Holidays!

Check back on Saturday to see how I did on my To-Do list!!

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