Monday, December 15, 2014

It's all about the 5 P's!

As I reflect on the past weekend, the image of a dog frantically chasing its own tail pops into my mind!  However, after stopping to take stock of what has been done, I'm feeling pretty ok with where I'm at.

Here is an update:

Thursday's goal was to finish decorating the living room - done!
We've added more paper snowflakes to the wall since this picture.

The printables were found:
Home for the Holidays
Most Wonderful Time
Family Christmas Traditions
Joy Snow 25

My Dollar Store village.  I plan to add more next year.  And take away the tape!!
Friday's goal was to complete presents:

  • 2 - They are amazing!!  The kids are going to LOVE them!
  • 4 - Did you know that chalkboard paint dissolves Styrofoam?  Good note!!!!! That present is a total fail!!
  • 6 - These turned out awesome!!  I can't wait to share!
  • 12 - I just need to box these up - its on the TO DO list for today.
Saturday's goal was to help with the cake topper - it turned out amazing!!
Sheila, my sister, made homemade fondant (delicious) and a the cake.  We worked together on Yellow and Green.

The kids had a grand time at the party.  It was held at 'Get Air' here in Junction.  Great place!  Its like one big trampoline/bouncy house!

Also on Saturday was my weekly household blessing - I have to say, it is fresh and sparkly clean!  OK, the bathrooms are sparkly, the laundry is done, the cupboards are full.  The dining room and living room are scattered with projects.... It's a work in progress!!

Smith has been busy and kinda naughty!!
Sliding Smith

Zippy Smith

Pooping Smith

Peeing Smith

Streamer Smith

Unfortunately, the Tooth Fairy and Smith had a failure to communicate and Smith blocked off the bedroom before the Tooth Fairy could get in to deliver money for the lost teeth!  Of all nights........

Jaidyn performed at the Annual Butterfly Pavilion Christmas Extravaganza with her classmates. 

 Santa was there to meet the kids.

Now that the busy weekend is out of the way, I realize that I have 6 days until our Christmas (YIKES)!  There is so much to do!!  This will begin the week of no sleep... and many Monsters!! So, here is my plan:

  • Finish gifts 3 and those that need to be sent to MT on Thursday.
  • Box up gift 12

  • Finish gift 13 - most time consuming, but SO worth it!

  • Playlist for Jeep Express
  • Driving route for Jeep Express

  • Deep clean carpets, living room, dining room, bathrooms
  • Make our home party/company ready
  • Send box to MT

  • Pick up rest of presents and stocking stuffers
  • Wrap gifts
  • Jaidyn's Holiday Breakfast
  • Damien and Airian Afternoon Christmas Party

  • 6:00 - Ugly Sweater Party
  • 9:00 - Jeep Express

  • Our Christmas
  • Tori - Piano Recital

WHEW!!  And a partridge in a pear tree!!!!

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