Thursday, April 9, 2015

Charlie's 19th Birthday

My kids are not spoiled.  No, really, they truly aren't.  However, every once in a while, an opportunity arises that is very difficult to pass up.  Such was the case for Charlie's birthday this year.  While looking for his birthday present, a CD from his favorite a cappella group, Home Free, I came across their tour dates.  Lo and behold, they were going to be in Denver the day after his birthday.  Next bonus, the tickets were affordable! Now, for those of you that know me, I have a hard time holding back a gift that I've gotten - I am one of those that has to give it away at the next opportunity.  However, I restrained.  I had gotten the tickets for the concert in January!!!  Yes, three months I had to hold out - it was torture.  It's a good thing that everyone else in the family can keep a secret, cuz I had to tell someone!  

Anyway, let me start with the cake.  Charlie is an avid sci fi fan.  Therefore, one of his favorite shows aired in the 2002.  Though it was short-lived, Firefly was actually a pretty amazing show that was cut short before it could develop a huge fan base.  So to explain the cake, I offer this short clip from the pilot episode: Wash and his dinosaurs.  

This Land

I think we should call it your GRAVE!!

AAHHH! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!!

HA! HA! HA!  Mine is an evil laugh!  Now DIE!!

Charlie's favorite line

He appreciated the cake and it was an easy one for me - win, win!  Then, I gave him his card which contained the tickets to the concert.  I wish I had the video or pictures of his face, however, my computer is not working correctly and so I am unable to upload them from my ancient camera onto my online drive.  When I do, I'll come back and repost them.  His reaction was priceless!  The rest of the pictures are of the show.  It was his first concert. He was so excited that I was sure he was going to pop a couple seams somewhere!!! 

You'll want to slide-show the rest of the pictures and I will tell the story through the captions. 
Home Free

Super excited!

When is it going to start?

Charlie and I waiting in anticipation.

The opening act: FACE - great group.  They really set the stage and got the crowd pumped up even more.

Home Free: Tim, Austin, Rob, Chris, and Adam

Because it was so loud in such a small theater, the quality of the recording is not the best.  If you want to hear this song without the distortion, go to Wake Me Up

All About That Bass
This was one of my favorite moments of the show:  Tim is singing Your Man' - great bass song but then he goes a bit over the top and get put in his place!  However, he combats this by starting the next note so low that the speaker on the camera couldn't even pick it up.  In fact, we felt the rumble in our chairs before we heard the note!  I wish I could impart the feeling to you.

Adam:  I swear he has a couple extra tongues or his is split into a few sections.  I don't know how he can make the sounds that he does, but he is amazing!  I know people who have 10-piece drum sets that can't rival him!

The distortion is pretty gnarly on these next couple of videos, but if you can overlook that, you too will glimpse the genius that is Adam.

Us out front after the concert - it was AMAZING!!!!!
After the concert, we were able to meet the group and get autographs.  He shook Tim's hand (I don't believe its been washed since!).  Then to top it off, Tim signed his CD "Happy Birthday, Charlie"!

For me, the best part was on the way home after he had bought us lunch and we were back on the road.  He looked at me and said, "Best Birthday, EVER!!"  Now, what am I going to do next year!?!?!?!

If you ever get the opportunity to go see these guys, GO, as fast as you can!  They put on a three hour show that was so worth every penny and moment.  I LOVE these guys and will go see them again if given the opportunity!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall

Sometimes, life presents you with an opportunity that is completely out of the blue!  While having breakfast at the hotel, Darin struck up a conversation with a gentleman who was obviously a military veteran.  During the brief time, he mentioned that he was one of the representatives of the 'Traveling Replica Vietnam Memorial Wall' which was in the parking lot right around the corner from the hotel!  So, of course, we packed the children into the Bronco and went to check it out.  It was sobering.  The traveling wall is 3/4 the size of the wall in D.C.  It was painful to visually see how many of our people were lost in such a few short years.  How many of these souls left young families behind?  How many of these souls were too young to have even had a chance to really experience life?  I look at Charlie, he just had his 19th birthday - how many of these names belonged to soldiers younger than he is now?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Dad and Jeannie's Wedding

One thing that I never thought about as a child was attending my father's wedding.  As an adult, it was a bit disconcerting being one of the 'Daughter's of the Groom'!  That being said, I couldn't be happier for my dad or Jeannie.  She is such an awesome addition to our family and is just sarcastic enough to fit right in!  The ceremony was beautiful.  The reception was filled with good food, laughter, and conversations.

Dad with the grandkids: Sam, Tori, Charlie, LaKara, Damien, Jordan, Airian, Jaidyn, Jacelynn

Robert, Best Man  and Debbie, Maid of Honor

The 'I Do's'

The musical interlude - thank goodness we had practiced often with no music because the words and music cut out in the middle of the song and we were left to do the rest A'Capella fashion - from what everyone said, we did all right!

The Happy Couple

The cake

The Grooms' Cake

Darin, Stacie, Stan, Jeannie, Sheila, Robert, Shannon, Corinna

Stacie, Stan, Jeannie, Robert, Sheila

Nick, Jean, Stan, Jeannie, Terri

Tori, Stacie, Jaidyn, Stan, Damien, Jeannie, Airian, Charles, Darin

Robert, LaKara, Stan, Jeannie, Corinna

Sheila, Jacelynn, Stan, Jordan, Jeannie, Sam, Shannon

Back row: LaKara, Stan, Jeannie, Charles, Tori, Sam
Front row: Airian, Damien, Jordan, Jaidyn, Jacelynn

Robert, Stan, Jeannie, Debbie

Friday, March 20, 2015

The Grand Canyon at Sunrise

While planning the trip to my Dad's wedding in Arizona, it occurred to me that Damien and Airian have never seen the Grand Canyon.  So, of course, I had to add that into the travel plans.  I, however, have seen the Canyon numerous times; but, one thing that I had not seen was sunrise at the Canyon...  So, we left Junction about Eleven o'clock Thursday evening and traveled all night.  When we arrived at the Canyon, I had enough time to bail from the Bronco, make it down to the rim, find a spot that called to me, and sit in the quietness of the morning for about 5 minutes before the sun broke over the ridge. I can't describe or put into words the breathtaking beauty of the crisp morning air and the walls of the Canyon being slowly lit by the sun.  It was a moment of peace and knowledge that always, the sun will rise, a new day will dawn, and we will have another chance to light the world in our own unique way.

I had not ever been to the Tower on the east entrance to the Canyon.  It was great to be able to have a new place to explore as a 'new' family.  

It's SO close!!  Always remember (Darin), "Don't feed the wildlife!!"

The English teacher in me had a real hard time leaving this sign alone.....

The children (clockwise): Airian, Jaidyn, Charles, Damien, Tori

From the bottom of the tower looking up to the ceiling

While they were being sworn in as Junior Rangers, the children were able to try on the Rangers' hat.  One of the highlights of visiting any National park is learning about the park through the Junior Ranger Program.  It gives kids a great opportunity to learn about park specific wildlife, features, and history.  In the end, they are sworn it and given a badge.  They really feel that they have become a part of something bigger than themselves.

Charles in the Rangers' hat.

Jaidyn in the Rangers' hat.

Damien in the Rangers' hat.

All in all, the day was beautiful.  We explored, ooh'd, and awe'd and make some memories that will last a lifetime.