Monday, November 17, 2014

Each journey begins with a single step....

They say that the first step to fixing a problem is admitting that you have one.  So, I have a problem.  I am the queen of procrastination!  If it can be put off until tomorrow, I will put it off until the day after tomorrow.  This habit has cost me many things in my lifetime, including opportunities for advancement, employment, screwy finances, etc.  In short, it has effected every area of my life. I recognize that I have a problem.  So far, however, I haven't found a procrastinators anonymous; of course I haven't looked - I'll do that later. ;)  Just kidding, when I didn't know what to write next I went and checked to see - low and behold, there is a procrastinators anonymous.  There are no meetings in my area.

So, how do I conquer this habit?  The answer sounds so simple - just do stuff.  However, that is easier said than done.  I have done some research and have found that there are many emotional causes of procrastination - fear is the most prevalent.  I can understand this, one of the tasks that has been on my to do list for the past two weeks is to fill out financial information for my doctor.  I am scared of what he is going to tell me and I don't want to hear that I have to change my whole lifestyle, so by not filling out the papers I am putting off hearing the news that I am scared to hear. Even in my own mind, I think that's a big crock!  The truth is that I have gotten caught up in the latest book that I'm reading, the latest TV shows that I'm watching, and the latest decorating idea that I can find on pinterest!

I think that my, lets call a spade a spade, laziness is due to a lack of accountability.  As a result, I am starting this blog.  My intent is to write on Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday.  Each post will highlight things that I have crossed off of my to-do list.  Even if no one is reading my blog, I am posting this in a public place that people can see, therefore I am hoping to gather a following that will help keep me motivated and on-track.  Maybe if I can overcome my procrastination, others will find the hope and encouragement that they need to take the first step in what I'm sure is going to be a challenging but highly rewarding journey.

1 comment:

  1. I'm here when you need me. You can do whatever you need to do and remember I love you. Mom
