Saturday, November 29, 2014

Being Thankful

It might have been noticed that I skipped my blog on Wednesday.  I have to admit that I was a bit overwhelmed!  Between trying to clean the house, decorate for T-day, play child taxi, and chaos at work, I was bubbling a bit.  However, I'm hoping that this post will make up for the lack!

I have added our latest family pictures to my pictures page, but here is my beautiful family in one shot!
Darin, Tori, Charlie, Stacie
Damien, Airian, Jaidyn

It was an amazing Thanksgiving!

The living room is set and ready for entertaining.

Its amazing how painting a couple of bottles, adding a tea candle in a bowl of dried corn and a thanksgiving sign (here) can give a table a whole new look!

For the kids, I found these awesome placemats (here) and I broke out my bucket of 'good' crayons.
The hutch is finally an asset to the decor rather than an eyesore.  I'm glad that I don't have a before picture; just imagine it as a catchall of everything!!  The printables are here: ThankfulLeafGobble

Here's the table - it's a pretty bird.  The cards and menu were found here.

Last but not least, the veggies, fruit and rolls.  Who new the dog crate could double as a banquet table, huh?!?  The printables were found Autumn Luster and Hello Fall.

Another thing that I got accomplished this weekend was my awkward nook above my TV. Again, another thing for which I didn't have a 'before' picture.  It was very cluttered before.  The bottles that are now painted orange and tan were up there, as well as some other knick knacks that have been rehoused.  I am excited to get the lights hooked up - there isn't a plug in up there so I'm thinking a string of lights with a battery pack that is on on special occasions would work just fine!

The most exciting thing that has happened, at least according to the children, is that the antics of the elf have started!  He greeted them yesterday with a letter explaining his purpose.  They went round and round trying to figure out a name for him and finally came up with 'Smith'.  So, we now have Smith, the elf, at our house!

Day One - Welcome, Smith!

Day Two - Creeper Smith
The children haven't seen Creeper Smith, yet.  I'm sure they are going to be upset that he stole all the marshmallows out of their cereal!!!!

So now that it is officially the Christmas Season, I can break out the decorations and have a hay-day.  We are getting a tree next Friday and will decorate it next Saturday.  I hope to have all of my other decorations out by then as well.  That way I have a couple weeks to enjoy them, rather than a couple days.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Feeling of Accomplishment

So, I'm a week into this personal challenge to overcome my procrastination habit.  I have to say, I am pretty proud of myself.  I feel like I have accomplished more in the last week than I have in the last month.  Some of the tasks are even ones that I have been putting off for a couple of months!!

If you haven't checked out my project list, yet, I'll fill you in on what I've gotten accomplished.

  1. My family pics are done, thanks to my sister, Sheila, photographer extraordinaire!  Thanks, Sis!  They turned out amazing and I can't wait to post them on my page of pictures.  Look for them soon!
  2. My Thanksgiving dinner is planned and my turkey is thawing, invites have been extended, and the decorating is underway.  Speaking of decorating....
  3. Displaying Grand Junction-20141101-01461.jpg
    Before:  This is taken from a different angle, on a different day.
  4. I now have a 'fake mantel'!  This was HUGE, to me.  I have been trying to figure out how to get it done in the quickest, easiest, and, let's face it, cheapest way possible!  In the end, the total project cost me $10.82 - this is how:
Before:  I would like to note that I was too lazy to clean it for the before picture because I knew I would be tearing it to shambles.

Halfway done: I arranged the couch and put the bookcases on the tables. Charlie thought it was a great spot for Buddha!

After:  I bought 2 cans of spray paint in a dark brown ($3), used a spare shelf from another bookshelf for the top, used a spare piece of wood from the shed for the base, extra garden fence for the grate (I have decided that I need to paint it as well), and a plant to fill out the inside.

The lights were from Halloween, they flicker to simulate firelight.

The bottles were left from our wedding reception.

The vases and frames came from the dollar store. $5
The 'Give thanks' print came from here
My apologies because I can't find the site that had the other print.

My honey got this for me.
The Thanksgiving print came from here

The Thanksgiving print came from  here

The finished project

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Weekends aren't for resting anymore!!

I probably should have clarified, in retrospect, that I work the graveyard shift; therefore, when I said that I would blog on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, it will show up on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday.

That being said, I am at the start of my week and have decided that weekends are no longer used for resting; they are used for playing catch-up!  I say this because I spent Thursday catching up on cleaning, Friday was spent catching up on errands, and Saturday was spent on conquering Mt. Wash-more!  But I did it.  When I went to bed last night, my living room was spotless, my laundry was done, my bills were paid, my groceries were bought, my menu was planned, and all was quiet on the western front.  Of course, when I got up at 10 to get ready for work, the 'small fry's' had decided that building a fort in the living room, with every blanket and pillow in the house, was a grand idea; as was eating popcorn.  They will be doing some cleaning today!!! This is what happens when Dad falls asleep on the couch!!  Oh well, nothing that can't be fixed!

I got my T-day menu planned and bought.  With the basics covered, anyone who comes over can bring whatever and it will just add to the feast!  Over the last couple of years, Darin and I have worked out a pretty stellar system for our T-day bash.  He is in charge of the turkey, stuffing, gravy, and rolls.  I am in charge of the casseroles and mashed potatoes.  My sister is in charge of pie - I told her that a bottle of Pinnacle Pumpkin Pie Vodka did not qualify. I think she was disappointed. ;)

Because of finances, T-day decor is going to be sparse this year, though I did spend $10 at the dollar store for a few things.  I'll post pics as I get the decor set up.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Creating Accountability and First Steps of Progress

Since I started this quest to overcome my procrastination, I have been racking my brain trying to figure out how I was going to prove that I am actually doing the things I say I am.  Here is what I came up with:

  1. I have created a page that has my never-ending list of projects and tasks that need to be completed.
  2. As I complete them, I will post pictures if possible and then cross them off my list. If I can't post pictures (financials, privacy issues, etc.) I will do my best to provide whatever results I can.
I have been pretty productive the last couple days, though I can't share very much in the way of pictures. 

First and foremost, I have gotten together all of the information for the doctor's office and will drop it off in the morning after I drop J at school.

Second, I planned an art lesson and taught it and it went really well.  We studied Henri Matisse today.  The students loved that I was able to find a video of him putting a piece together (see it here).  Then they had a blast creating their own impression of Matisse and his "Painting with Scissors".

Image result for pic elf on the shelfAnd, I figured out how to make our 'Elf on the Shelf' work with our schedule.  Being a parent in a blended family is a challenge at times.  Between the three exes and the five children, it somehow worked out that there will be no children at our house from the 22nd to the 27th and then all the children will be there the next week!  So, I emailed Santa and asked if it would be possible for him to deliver Christmas early, like on the 21st....he said yes and that he will send his elf down early, the day after Thanksgiving, so that he can still get the full report on the behavior of the children!  I thought it was a rather ingenious plan.  I want to do the bigger things on days that more kids will be here and little things on the days when it will just be J.  So far, this is my plan; it is subject to change depending upon circumstances - I have many backup ideas!
  1. Elf arrives with a bouquet of candy canes and a welcome letter explaining his purpose.
  2. Message out of cereal on the dining room table - 'I'm watching you' while he is hanging from the chandelier
  3. Elf is found building an Xmas tree out of Lego's
  4. Powdered sugar angels on the stove
  5. Mustache and antlers drawn onto the bathroom mirror
  6. In the blender with cookies
  7. Hiding in a marshmallow igloo
  8. Elf is found soaking in the sink full of marshmallows - with a Barbie! Naughtiness has ensued!
  9. Writing his name in powdered sugar - in a very naughty way!!
  10. Tapes streamers over their doors so they can't leave their bedrooms.
  11. Elf yoga with stuffed animals
  12. Hiding in a toilet paper tower
  13. Pooping chocolate kisses
  14. Candy cane zip line
  15. Wrapped up back packs
  16. Held hostage by Lego mini figs and army men
  17. Hangs underwear on the tree
  18. Stuck in the vacuum
  19. Elf selfies
  20. Used the kids' potty
  21. Planting Lolli's
  22. Hanging out with the bloomed lollipops
  23. Drummer Elf
  24. Stacked cups to keep kids upstairs
I'll be posting pics of our crazy elf and his or her antics as well as the kids' reactions!!

I am planning on doing my version of the Polar Express via jeep.  Last year, the kids told me it was their favorite thing.  I hid tickets to the 'Minivan Express' in the tree and when they got their pj's on they found notes saying to gather a pillow and a blanket and find their golden ticket and go to the 'magical minivan'.  When they presented their tickets, they were given a mug of hot chocolate and a popcorn box of caramel corn mixed with other candies.  Then, we drove around for about 2 hours listening to Christmas music and looking at lights.  To be honest, it was my favorite thing about last year as well!  This year I think I will have them open a chosen present on Xmas Eve that contains a new pair of PJ's, a light blanket, candy canes, hot chocolate mix, and a ticket to the 'Jeep Express'.  I'm still planning it out.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Each journey begins with a single step....

They say that the first step to fixing a problem is admitting that you have one.  So, I have a problem.  I am the queen of procrastination!  If it can be put off until tomorrow, I will put it off until the day after tomorrow.  This habit has cost me many things in my lifetime, including opportunities for advancement, employment, screwy finances, etc.  In short, it has effected every area of my life. I recognize that I have a problem.  So far, however, I haven't found a procrastinators anonymous; of course I haven't looked - I'll do that later. ;)  Just kidding, when I didn't know what to write next I went and checked to see - low and behold, there is a procrastinators anonymous.  There are no meetings in my area.

So, how do I conquer this habit?  The answer sounds so simple - just do stuff.  However, that is easier said than done.  I have done some research and have found that there are many emotional causes of procrastination - fear is the most prevalent.  I can understand this, one of the tasks that has been on my to do list for the past two weeks is to fill out financial information for my doctor.  I am scared of what he is going to tell me and I don't want to hear that I have to change my whole lifestyle, so by not filling out the papers I am putting off hearing the news that I am scared to hear. Even in my own mind, I think that's a big crock!  The truth is that I have gotten caught up in the latest book that I'm reading, the latest TV shows that I'm watching, and the latest decorating idea that I can find on pinterest!

I think that my, lets call a spade a spade, laziness is due to a lack of accountability.  As a result, I am starting this blog.  My intent is to write on Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday.  Each post will highlight things that I have crossed off of my to-do list.  Even if no one is reading my blog, I am posting this in a public place that people can see, therefore I am hoping to gather a following that will help keep me motivated and on-track.  Maybe if I can overcome my procrastination, others will find the hope and encouragement that they need to take the first step in what I'm sure is going to be a challenging but highly rewarding journey.